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We are happy to announce the HA Release 1.2.9! Below is the list of all new features, bugfixes and improvements.


  • Update Vue3 template to work correctly with subpages [HA-266]
  • Add support for environment variable of light module name [HA-268] - Refer to the Environment Variables section of the documentation

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We are happy to announce the HA Release 1.2.8! Below is the list of all new features, bugfixes and improvements.


  • Fetch latest magnolia/cli version to be used with npx [HA-265]
  • Fix using unknown include on a simple field [HA-261]
  • Update Vue 3 main page to align with Nuxt 3 runtime configuration changes [HA-262]
  • Add support for colorPickerField [HA-263]
  • Fix unknown include in Vue templates [HA-264]

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We are happy to announce the HA Release 1.2.7. Below is the list of all new features, bugfixes and improvements.


  • Add support for includes from unknown light module [HA-258]
  • Use npx instead of globaly installed mgnl cli [HA-260]

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We are happy to announce the HA Release 1.2.6. Below is the list of all new features, bugfixes and improvements.


  • If exists don't download it again [HA-257]

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We are happy to announce the HA Release 1.2.5. Below is the list of all new features, bugfixes and improvements.



  • [HA Templates] - Fix rendering the magnolia web components in storybook - [HA-85]
  • [HA Templates, HA CLI] - Fix storybook on SFCC template - [HA-2]


  • [HA Templates, HA CLI] - Enable css module plugin for storybook - [HA-118]

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We are happy to announce the HA Release 1.2.4. Below is the list of all new features, bugfixes and improvements.




  • [HA Templates, HA CLI] - Add labels to the components in the project templates - [HA-240]
  • [HA CLI] - Add check for node version in jumpstart - [HA-248]
  • [HA CLI] - Add support for the latest version of salesforce project template - [HA-252]

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We are happy to announce the HA Release 1.2.3. Below is the list of all new features, bugfixes and improvements.



  • [HA CLI] - Fix using !include directive with HA_CLI_MGNL_LIGHT_MODULES environment variable - [HA-239]

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We are happy to announce the HA Release 1.2.2. Below is the list of all new features, bugfixes and improvements.



  • [HA CLI] - Fix generated component in salesforce template - [HA-237]

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We are happy to announce the HA Release 1.2.1. Below is the list of all new features, bugfixes and improvements.


Jumpstart a new Angular 15 project
You can now jumpstart a new project with the angular-ssr-v15 project template.

Important note: UXF Components cannot be currently used with the Angular 15 project.



  • [HA CLI] - Fix processing of !include directive - [HA-236]


  • [HA CLI, HA Templates] - Add support for Angular 15 - [HA-235]

路 One min read

We are happy to announce the HA Release 1.2.0. Below is the list of all new features, bugfixes and improvements.


Define the placement for the HA generated files
Add an environment variable to let HA CLI know where to create the Magnolia specific files and folders for the next.js, vue and angular projects.

Linter-friendly files
HA CLI now generates files that follow the linter rules.



  • [HA CLI] - Mapping of deleted component - [HA-208]
  • [HA CLI] - Fix include of a component with a longer path - [HA-227]


  • [HA CLI, HA Templates] - Add environment variable for placing HA generated files - [HA-181]
  • [HA CLI, HA Templates] - Use linter for generated files - [HA-182]
  • [HA Templates] - Update libs in templates - [HA-210]
  • [HA CLI] - Add additional support for !include directive - [HA-212]
  • [Documentation] - Document running HA CLI without ha dev - [HA-223]