In this section we will go through the prerequisites needed for Magnolia Headless Accelerator (HA).
To use Headless Accelerator you must install Node.js version 14 or higher, Java, Git, and Yarn on your device. If you have all of those already, go directly to the installation of Magnolia CLI.
1. Install Node.jsTo see if you already have Node.js installed and check the installed version, run the following commands:
node -v
The recommended version of Node is 16, unless you're using the project template with Magnolia and SFCC integration, in which case you need to use version 14.
If you don't have Node.js installed or it is not version 16 (or 14 for the SFCC project template), please follow these instructions.
- Ubuntu
- Mac/Linux
- Windows
sudo apt-get update -ysudo apt-get upgrade -ycurl -sL | sudo -E bash โsudo apt-get install nodejs
curl -o- | bashexport NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" # This loads nvm bash_completionnvm install 14nvm alias default 14
Node Version Manager (NVM) allows you to install and switch between multiple versions of Node.js and npm on your system.
- Download the latest Windows NVM ( from
- Extract the zip file and run the installer.
- Open a terminal and run:
nvm install 14nvm alias default 14
Node Version Manager (NVM) allows you to install and switch between multiple versions of Node.js and npm on your system.
2. Install JavaYou need to have Java installed on your system to run Magnolia. Make sure to use the version of Java supported by Magnolia. Check the the Magnolia Certified Stack for up-to-date information.
As of February 2022 supported versions of Java are Java 16 (supported by Magnolia 6.2.9+), Java 11 and Java 8.
Run this command to see the Java version installed:
java -version
If you do not have this setup already, please do the following:
- Ubuntu
- Mac/Linux/Windows
- Apple ARM M1 CPU
sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre-headless -yecho "export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64" >> ~/.bashrcecho "export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
Go to, download according to your platform.
Make sure you're using ARM compatible JDK when using Macbook M1 with the new Apple CPU.
Apple M1 machines need an ARM compatible JDK for Java.
This page explains well how to install an ARM compatible JDK on a Macbook M1. We suggest you follow instructions provided on the page.
The two ARM compatible JDKs mentioned on the page are:
Additionally, SDKMAN! can be used to install the specific version of Java required by Magnolia, providing easy Java version management.
3. Setup GitYou can check if Git is installed on your device by running git --version
. To configure your Git environment run:
git config --global "My Name"git config --global
If you don't have Git installed, you can find the installation bundles here:
4. Install YarnIf you haven't installed Yarn, run:
- Linux
- Mac/Windows
sudo npm i -g yarn
npm i -g yarn
5. Install the Headless Accelerator WrapperBegin by installing the HA CLI wrapper. This package facilitates the connection to our private repository, ensuring a seamless installation and updating the CLI.
- Linux
- Mac/Windows
sudo npm install @magnolia/ha-cli -g
npm install @magnolia/ha-cli -g
6. Install the Headless Accelerator CLINexus credentials are needed in order to setup the .npmrc file and install the HA CLI from the private repository.
Setup the global .npmrc fileBefore you access the private repository, you need to configure your global .npmrc file.
with your actual Nexus user token.
To access your user token, you need to validate your credentials again.
Use a token designed for the base64 representation of "user:password".
Run the following commands:
- Mac/Linux
- Windows
echo "@magnolia-dx:registry=" >> ~/.npmrcecho "//" >> ~/.npmrcecho "//<NEXUS_USER_TOKEN>" >> ~/.npmrcecho "@magnolia-ea:registry=" >> ~/.npmrc
echo "@magnolia-dx:registry=" >> %USERPROFILE%/.npmrcecho "//" >> %USERPROFILE%/.npmrcecho "//<NEXUS_USER_TOKEN>" >> %USERPROFILE%/.npmrcecho "@magnolia-ea:registry=" >> %USERPROFILE%/.npmrc
Install the CLIAfter setting up the global .npmrc file, you have access to the private @magnolia-dx
and @magnolia-ea
repository, and can install the HA CLI.
npm install -g @magnolia-dx/ha-cli
Now you can check the version of HA CLI by running ha --version
. HA CLI should be the latest version.
Check the release notes to get more information about the current version.
Once this is done, you can use the full HA CLI functionality.
If you run HA in a CI Environment , you can copy your access token to MGNL_HA_AUTH_TOKEN
environment variable. If the HA
command finds this variable it will not prompt for username and password authentication.
Always make sure to have the latest version of the HA CLI. Update to the current version of the HA CLI if needed.
7. (Optional) Install Web componentsYou can use UXF Web components to speed up your development process.
npm install @magnolia-ea/uxf-core
You successfully installed all of the prerequisites.
Now you're ready to jumpstart your Headless project with Magnolia Headless Accelerator!
Mac users with Apple siliconIf you encounter compatibility issues with specific x86-based Java applications, you may consider enabling Rosetta. Refer to Apple's documentation for instructions on enabling Rosetta if required.